Задание: 36 (Serge I: 2003-02-17)
Select name from ships where class = name
select ship as name from classes,outcomes where classes.class = outcomes.ship
SELECT (обучающий этап) задачи по SQL запросам 120 штук, DML 10 шт. Дистанционное обучение языку баз данных SQL. Интерактивные упражнения и тестирование по операторам SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE языка SQL. SQL remote education. SQL statements exercises. Подзапросы, Соединение таблиц, Функции SQL, Введение в SQL, Скачать книги по SQL. Команды SQL,CREATE SEQUENCE,CREATE SYNONYM,CREATE USER,CREATE VIEW,Create Table,DROP,GRANT,INSERT,REVOKE,SET ROLE,SET TRANSACTION,SQL ALTER TABLE,SQL команды.
Select name from ships where class = name
select ship as name from classes,outcomes where classes.class = outcomes.ship
SELECT model, type
FROM product
WHERE upper(model) NOT like '%[^A-Z]%'
OR model not like '%[^0-9]%'
Select name from classes,ships where launched >=1922 and displacement>35000 and type='bb' and
ships.class = classes.class
LEFT join outcomes o ON o.battle = b.name
WHERE b.name = 'North Atlantic' AND o.result = 'sunk'
Select country, cast(avg((power(bore,3)/2)) as numeric(6,2)) as weight
from (select country, classes.class, bore, name from classes left join ships on classes.class=ships.class
union all
select distinct country, class, bore, ship from classes t1 left join outcomes t2 on t1.class=t2.ship
where ship=class and ship not in (select name from ships) ) a
where name IS NOT NULL group by country
SELECT DISTINCT class, country
FROM classes
WHERE bore >= 16
select point, date, SUM(sum_out), SUM(sum_inc)
from( select point, date, SUM(inc) as sum_inc, null as sum_out from Income Group by point, date
select point, date, null as sum_inc, SUM(out) as sum_out from Outcome Group by point, date ) as t
group by point, date order by point
SELECT t1.point, t1.date, inc, out
FROM income_o t1 LEFT JOIN outcome_o t2 ON t1.point = t2.point
AND t1.date = t2.date
SELECT t2.point, t2.date, inc, out
FROM income_o t1 RIGHT JOIN outcome_o t2 ON t1.point = t2.point
AND t1.date = t2.date
FROM pc, product
WHERE product.model = pc.model
AND product.maker IN (SELECT DISTINCT maker
FROM product WHERE product.type = 'printer')
SELECT product.maker, AVG(pc.hd)
FROM pc, product WHERE product.model = pc.model
AND product.maker IN ( SELECT DISTINCT maker
FROM product
WHERE product.type = 'printer')
GROUP BY maker